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About us
Dr Senan Alsanjari FRCR |
Consultant Radiologist
Cardiothoracic Radiology
Dr Thomas Amies FRCR |
Consultant Radiologist
Musculoskeletal Radiology
Dr Brendan Barber FRCR |
Consultant Radiologist
Musculoskeletal Radiology
Dr Robert Barker BSc, FRCP, FRCR |
Consultant Radiologist
Neuroradiology, Head & Neck Imaging, Chest, CT & MRI
Dr Gauraang Bhatnagar BSc, MRCS FHEA, FRCR |
Consultant Radiologist
Gastrointestinal Imaging, CT colonoscopy, CT & MRI
Consultant Radiologist
Dr Emily Daulton FRCR |
Breast radiology, Cancer Imaging, CT & MRI
Dr Andrew Hatrick FRCR |
Consultant Radiologist
Interventional Radiology, Hepatobiliary Radiology, Cardiac CT
Dr Nicholas Hughes FRCP, FRCR |
Consultant Radiologist
Chest and Cardiac Radiology, CT colonography, Image-guided biopsy
Dr Srikanth Iyengar FRCS, FRCR
Consultant Radiologist
Chest and Cardiac Radiology, Image-guided biopsy
Dr Dhruv Patel FRCR |
Consultant Radiologist
Ultrasound including advanced techniques, CT & MRI
Dr Stephen Perrio FRCR |
Consultant Radiologist
CT & MRI, Gynaecological Imaging
Dr Lauren Ramsay FRCR |
Consultant Radiologist
Paediatric Radiology
Dr Kivraj Sabarwal FRCR |
Consultant Radiologist
Cardiothoracic Radiology
Dr Tharsi Sarvananthan FRCR |
Consultant Radiologist
Breast Radiology
Dr Kirsten Stafford FRCR |
Consultant Radiologist
Breast Radiology, Paediatric Imaging
Dr Jeremy Taylor MRCS, FRCR |
Consultant Radiologist
Interventional Radiology, Vascular Imaging, Gastrointestinal Imaging
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